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  • Writer's pictureAndi Hale

Nightingales and Turtle Doves bringing the music...

Hello and welcome to our second newsletter! Spring has sprung apparently! And while the weather may not agree as it continues its cold and wet deluge, thankfully nature is reminding us of how it should be with an abundance of daffodils, blossom and noisy, frisky birds.

Soon we will be welcoming our summer visitors; a whole other season away technically, but come they will to visit us from far and wide and to stay at the local caravan site and beach holiday homes. Let’s hope they bring the sunshine with them!

Some visitors who are already making their gorgeous presence felt are the Nightingales, whose beautiful song is now being heard at Oakfield Wood. Hopefully, others will join them along with the Turtle Doves who usually arrive in April.

This marks a very exciting time and is a big part of the reason that so many people choose this area of natural beauty as their place of final rest.

The soggy paths of the Essex Way will also soon be teeming with well-trodden boots as walkers old and new visit the area to take in the joy of being in such a wonderful place of natural beauty. We look forward to welcoming them.

We are receiving promising levels of interest from people donating to the Visitor Centre and will update you on the fundraising progress soon. We are also still reaching out and hoping the family and friends who have loved ones buried at the site, may consider sharing their stories.

The individual story of each of the people who are now part of the natural landscape, is what Oakfield is all about and we hope may also give comfort to those who may be considering using the site in future. Having a facility such as the Visitors’ Centre will provide a much-needed place to gather, shelter and pay respects in comfort.

Please feel free to get in touch and we look forward to hearing your stories too!

If you wish to support this wonderful community project, please make your donation on the Wilko Johnson Website -

Thank You for your support !

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